Washakie County School District #2

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Counselor's Corner

Counselor's Corner

April 2024

Updates and Happenings:

*Seniors are busy filling out scholarship applications and making post high school plans!

*Elementary Guidance classes are continuing to learn about big emotions, what our bodies do during stress, and how our brains and bodies work together. Classes have learned the word “regulation” and how to balance emotions and match to our environment. 

*Testing for grades KG-10 will start April 16. The state testing system, WYTOPP, will continue April 16-May 10. Classroom teachers can sign their class up for testing days and times during this testing window. If you plan to be absent, please check with your classroom teacher to help with absences during testing time. 


*The Juniors recently survived the ACT. This is a huge milestone in a high schoolers career!

*BINGO took place at the PT Conference day. Several students attended periodically, stayed, played, and had a lot of laughs.

*Scheduling: there is a possibility for all-year music and all-year art for middle school students next year. We are taking the steps to fine tune this for next year’s schedule. They would have the same amount of seat time, it would just be drawn out all year rather than packed in a semester. Teachers are working hard to make this reasonable adjustment.

*A March Big/Little Activity was a success with a lot of smiles and laughter!



Couselor's Corner

March 2024

The spring time holds many mixed emotions for students and staff. For some, it’s anticipation of next steps, for others, it’s an overwhelming joy for green grass and sunshine, and for others it might be sadness at the ending of a chapter and uncertain expectations for the future……

Wherever you find yourself, always know that there are caring people in the world and people that know your value and truth. It’s easy to get caught up in emotion and drama and forget the real reason why schools exist and why staff show up day in and day out, feeling defeated and beaten down, but we show up to smiles and hugs and “happy campers'' who want to be at school and want to learn and grow. We listen to “losing my first tooth” stories, and “guess what I did this weekend” stories, and “I want to be president someday” stories. Teachers have a different heart than most. In the darkest of times, teachers have the ability to juggle several emotions, teach their curriculum, manage behavior, manage their own “stuff”, limit countless distractions, all while remaining professional and with a smile on. In a society that is so quick to judge and cut one another down, we lose focus on the fact that educators are professionals. As a professional, it would be unacceptable to fire back with profanity or personal digs. We are tethered to our oath as a professional and don’t have the “luxury” of stating “how we really feel”. Educators are human, with human emotion. We make mistakes, we have to make tough calls dictated by policy, we have to remain unbiased when faced with a situation that would easily be swayed by any less of a professional. There is a level, or should be a level, of integrity within this profession. I personally feel confident that our school and the professionals here are upholding that level of integrity and professionalism; otherwise I would find myself moving down the road to greener pastures……

Education is recently taking a huge hit. There are declining numbers of those who wish to enter the profession. If the standards are decreased in an effort to “encourage” folks into the field of education, we will inadvertently detract from the level of professionalism. We do not want that for our youth. Everything, and I literally mean everything, takes any amount of teaching to get to success: sports, becoming a doctor, farming, cooking, bagging groceries, being a mom……  We often forget that the field of education should be valued and it’s easy to lose respect during intense moments when our emotions take over. Teachers don’t go into the profession to “attack kids”, teachers don’t go into the profession because “they aren’t cutting it in another field”. We go in to the profession for lots of positive reasons: one being to provide unconditional love to children and provide for their educational needs…..We go into the profession to “make a difference” and “be the hope” for the future of our country…..We go into the profession because we truly believe there is good in human kind. We go into the profession to build strong communities and strong individuals who can build their own strong families. 

We are currently in an era where the covid aftermath is coming to fruition. Schools and communities across the nation are experiencing a rise in mental health challenges and a rise in suicide ideation (just to name a few). As a small community, I challenge you to step up your game. In our homes, what messages are we sending? In our homes, what can we do to help our students be as successful as possible? There is a lot of research out there, but some of the protective factors point to “what can be learned” in the home…..


“Research has shown that the ability to handle profound adversity, while it can be an inherited trait, can also depend on behaviors and attitudes that can be learned during one’s life.”

bbrfoundation.org, Adriana Feder, M.D., and Dennis Charney, M.D.

Provided this research is true, then behaviors and attitudes can be learned which implies someone, somewhere is DOING THE TEACHING. If we are not teaching these things in our homes, children will learn, but perhaps not in the manner one would hope.

How to handle the stressors of life and how to manage challenges can all be learned. If students are looking to the adults in their communities, what are we doing to help make this a positive learning opportunity to gain some new tools? Life doesn’t always go our way, that’s a fact. How are we using our tools to positively overcome when faced with adversity? Making a minor mistake as a 10 year old can turn into a valuable lesson; because learning a lesson the hard way as an 18 year old might have a higher price tag. We all want to protect and pave a way that is pain free, but sometimes our protection becomes a negative (enabling).


Here are some other ideas from Child Development expert Karen Disney:

*Wait to Help: Many a well-meaning parent has crossed the line from helping to hindering without realizing that their good intentions would have negative consequences. Before you help, solve the problem, jump in, or fix it, let your child have a chance to figure it out. Nothing says, “I don’t trust you to do this,” quite like, “Here, let me do it.”  

*Think Ahead and Prepare: Spend time with your child building a foundation. We can’t expect to spring a new concept on children with an expectation of perfection. Take the time to teach and model before introducing new expectations. 

*Limit the number of steps: One step at a time, one day at a time. Different ages have varying levels of independent capabilities. Break tasks into chunks 

(teachers in school do this all the time)

*Give lessons: Don’t assume your child knows how because they’ve watched you a thousand times; this builds frustration for you both. Break a new task into steps and teach them how to do it. Be clear, concise, and build upon prior experience.

*Avoid “yes” or “no” questions.

*Instead- Offer Choices: Offer two choices that you are both equally willing to live with. “Do you want to set the table or stir the noodles”.... Offering choices empowers your child, gives them confidence and a sense of control, and helps them to feel included and not “bossed”. 

*Let Your Child Problem-Solve: jumping in quickly to solve the problem and take away their “pain” only makes matters worse. The lesson can easily be lost when this happens. Ask questions like “How do you think you can make this work better….” or “What do you think is a fair solution……” When a child can take ownership of a task, it helps create a higher level of self-esteem. 

*Be Flexible: sometimes a child wants to help sweep the floor today, but may not show interest tomorrow. Continue to offer opportunities to help and keep your expectations low and don’t pressure, while sending the message that “everyone can help in this family in their own way…”

*Be Patient: Sometimes parenting is two steps forward and one step back. Be patient with your child and with yourself. You are both learning.

*Acknowledge Small Successes:  You’re raising small human beings who will go out into the world one day and think and act for themselves. You’re teaching your child to make choices, take responsibility, and solve problems. 

**Conversations I have with students involve a lot of “what can you control”....... Self-Esteem is another big topic I see students struggle with. I also see a lack of ownership: dishonesty following with a sense of entitlement and not “owning” our mistake and not “owning” any part in the choice that leads to a consequence…..Also, I see a lot of students unable to handle even the simplest of “stressors”. Being able to manage a directive from a teacher and follow through seems to really derail students. I see students who are unsure about the world around them, they feel lost, they feel defeated and unheard. Providing them with a safe place and a dose of listening and understanding does go a long way. Our teachers at school are doing just that. We ARE listening and listening to understand, not listening to respond. Ten Sleep is an amazing place; unique, beautiful, and full of helpful, solid individuals. I want to make the good great! I hope you do the same!





Counselor’s Corner

November 2023

My, what a quick first quarter we have experienced. The saying “time flies when you are having fun” comes to mind. I love my job and love working in such a great community. My realization and drive to continue to be present and working to help others became even more evident lately durning an unforeseen absence. I truly miss my students when I’m absent and keeping a pulse on everyone is something I strive to do my best at.

Recently we had a college and post-secondary planning meeting. It was well attended and I am grateful for the opportunity to give the experience to our students and parents.

FAFSA application date is now set for January 25, 5:30. SENIORS, this is when you will fill out the application and utilize Teffany’s help to do so. If you are thinking of attending college, you will want to fill out this application. With Teffany’s help, it can be an easy process.

Other updates:

Socktober is in full force. We will probably extend into November to get socks collected. The Secret Service Club enjoys this activity. They vote on where drop off boxes go and they learn about facilities in need and choose where the socks will be sent.

Sources of Strength: This program is school wide. Weekly guidance lessons focus on hope, help, and strength. Students are identifying those protective factors and working together to create a community of belonging. Recently, our peer leader secondary group, made a decision to do an activity for the Trunk or Treat event. This is a great time to promote what we are about, it is student lead, and should be super fun! I am personally proud of this group for their growth, insite, and valuable contributions to our school and community.

Recycling: It is with sadness and reluctance that I give up the recycle trailer/recycle drive for the community. I do not have the man power with my NHS students (I have one student). Taking the trailer to Buffalo to empty it, means I have to leave my job and do “another job”. It just isn’t reasonable anymore. Being absent from work, as I’m sure many can relate, often creates MORE work. The school is trying to be helpful in finding a solution as well as the town of Ten Sleep. If you or someone you know would be interested in helping, please call the school or Ernie Beckley. 

Care Coordination System: Care Solace is a new program that the school is offering through the state education system. It is a tool that helps you find mental health providers. They do the work for you, make the calls, and set up the appointment. In a rural area, it is often difficult to connect to providers who are a fit. It is a barrier to find the time to make the calls, be put on hold, and have to wait for a callback. WELL, wait no more! Care Solace can help you find a match; they also can help you navigate your payment/insurance. The school can connect you- contact Mrs. Griffin or Mrs. Wiechmann, caresolace.com/wcsd2 is another option, or call 888-515-0595. We are excited to be able to offer this to our students, parents, and staff.

Ten Sleep Task Force: The meetings continue to be on the first Tuesday of each month, in the library, 6:30. Jack Hoffman, district traffic engineer, attended recently to review some information and provide data to help us all understand better. It was greatly appreciated. As it turns out, data supports that drivers are indeed, following the speed limit more often than we thought. It was interesting to learn about how data is collected and what law enforcement and his role do to collect, analyze, and make decisions based on what data they do collect. (This is just one small piece of the discussion/information.)



May 2022

The Changing of the Weather

Spring time is upon us and that means new birth. It also appears to be a metaphor in the world of education. New beginnings and “birth” is on the horizon and with that comes excitement and also a little trepidation. We are hopeful and extremely excited for our future at Washakie School District #2. In a small school I have had the amazing opportunity lately to serve on committees that involve hiring staff. This is important work that I personally take serious. As the process unfolded, I learned a lot. I learned about the needs of our building and I also took note on what it might take moving forward to embrace the change and also a “note to self” moment on what I need to hold myself accountable to. And I would like to share some thoughts with you.

For our school to continue to be successful, it is imperative that we respect and follow the chain of command. It was eye opening to me recently that often we have become “comfortable” and informal. Sitting on interview committees with a range of members, made me aware that others have similar thoughts. It’s easy to call our neighbor, i.e. the board member, and voice our concerns. And it’s acceptable because, in our mind, they are an elected official. They should listen to us. They too, want to be respectful of the voice of the people and you may find it quite common that they do listen and hear you out. This is a tough position to put someone in no matter the relationship/role. I love the small community and the flexibility and the comfortable, family feel. However, I would caution us all that the chain of command is a thing, not just in schools. Often, I too, get frustrated hearing “follow the chain of command”..... But far more things suffer when it’s not followed than when it is followed. Putting a board member in the position such as that, is difficult, and I understand the logic and the will to want to do that. I, too, have found myself wanting to ‘call the neighbor’. For the success of the school and the success of others who hold the position, consider all aspects of the situation. Is your choice fair? Is it equal? Are you speaking with your heart (emotional)? Or are you speaking with your head (logic and thoughts)? Where are we coming from? Judgement? We all want what is truly best. But the process we go about it is just as important as the content.

For our school community to move forward positively, we (the school and staff associated with the school) need positive vibes, support, and grace during this time. The staff here is in the trenches daily, working with students to the best of our ability. Spring time is rough, across the country in any school you will see similarities. Recently, the interviewees echoed the same sentiment. All schools are struggling right now with their own set of worries, among national concerns. The community support and positive energy is imperative at this grand juncture in our school progression. Recently, rumors get spread, people talk, and feelings get hurt. No one is immune to either side of this. The school is the heart of our community. When school is struggling, everyone seems to feel it. This has been another realization of mine this semester. If we want our “heart” to be healthy, we need to take care of it at all costs. That may mean taking a step back, and assessing, staying calm, or gathering more information before making split, off hand comments. And if our school is the heart, and your child goes to this school, that precious individual carries the heart- they are “the heart”. At the school, we want to take care of that child like it’s the last human on earth. Every child is such a gift. For us at school to do our job, we need positive energy, support, and consideration. I realized recently that educators do not go in to education because “it’s their fall back plan”. I’ve always known this and found value in it, I just really find it important right now, to highlight this. Educators are different humans. Everyone, no matter their job, has had a teacher at some point in their life; good, bad, or otherwise. An educators heart just beats differently; their genetic makeup is just different. Educators go into this profession, not for the fame, glory, or puke. We go in to this profession because it’s our calling; it’s our service duty to serve others. Teachers have to do and BE so many things all at the same time. Picture that meme about teachers being a nurse, a mom, a mediator, a cook, a thermometer, a recess specialist, a shoe tying magician, a book critic, a math wizard, etc…. All at the same time! Teachers work with children all over the board. And it is magic that somehow, all students progress- hopefully because progress is one of the many goals….. Teachers are magical and they get puked on, beaten up, torn to shreds personally, have to balance “life” and personal dealings, while developing new curriculum for the latest and greatest EVBXYZ assessment, debating recess disagreements, correcting late and missing work, updating grades, negotiating schedules, finding time to make the phone call home during the 3 minute passing period, all while, potentially holding back tears…..I mean, seriously, it’s juggling at it’s finest. I could go on and on, but for the sake of space for this article, I think you get the point. These past few years, educators have been in the trenches, dealing with their own life circumstances, and really never get a break from public ridicule. Recently, (I’ve just noticed I use that word a lot in this article because I’m passionate about my work and most current issues school is facing….) I have cried in a large meeting in front of my peers. I try really hard to be an emotional rock and I have had to practice, in my line of work, to not have large emotional reactions which is hard to do when I feel all the feels of those around me. But I admit it. I have shed tears and it’s OK to cry. I have- because this school is important to me and the people here are important to me. The heart has been suffering and it needs your protection. Please handle it with care. In the storm of change, please be kind and give grace to those heart holding, magicians we call educators. 


March 2021


Happy March! February flew by and this year continues soar at a rapid rate. Here are a few updates that I would like to share.

In classroom guidance we are wrapping up our kindness unit throughout most classes and we will be headed into our career unit soon. The 6th grade is off to a great start in the mental health unit. This will take place all semester long. 

Testing Dates:  ACT (grade 11)- March 23, ASVAB(grades 11-12)- March 31, WYTOPP window for spring testing grades K-10  April 13-May 7

HOST an exchange student!  If you or someone you know would be interested in hosting an exchange student, there are many opportunities out there. It has been a while since Ten Sleep had an exchange student. It would be great to have this in our community. Contact Mrs. Wiechmann at the school if you are interested!

Currently, we are collecting donations for what previously was called the “Staff Scholarship”. Due to COVID, we have been unable to sell donuts. Previously, our Friday donut sales went towards raising money for the Staff Scholarship. If you would be interested in donating to this cause, please stop by the school or contact Mrs. Wiechmann at the school.

Recently we came in contact with the Strong Families Strong Wyoming: A Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education Project.  This is a federally funded grant program that offers evidence based, medically accurate curriculum. I’m pleased to announce that we will be incorporating this curriculum into the HS Health curriculum starting now. Topics include, but not limited to: healthy relationships, finance, bullying, and conflict resolution. Other districts have accepted this curriculum and found success. We are excited to offer this to our students and confident in the potential outcomes. If you would like more information, visit:  http://sfsw.org/

We are also collecting donations for our students. These donations will be used to provide for those students who have unmet needs. We currently have a student club called Pioneer Pride. This club was designed with the idea as an outlet to help students make healthy choices and promote positive actions in our school. This club, now with a strong financial foundation, can also be used as a source for helping meet students’ needs in another fashion. There is a board who oversees the expenditures and makes decisions. If you would like to donate, please contact Mrs. Wiechmann at the school.




May 2020:  May has been off to a great start. We are nearing the end with scholarship applications and planning our next year courses. Students should expect to see material out for scheduling sometime soon. If it doesn't work out this school year, we will work it out in August. Thank you for your patience with this process. Virtually, it will be a bit of a trick.

Elementary Guidance:

Students have been receiving weekly lessons via their google classrooms. Lessons usually include a personal video from Mrs. Wiechmann and additional links, forms to fill out for discussion questions, or links to a storybook read aloud. Students are doing their best to fulfill all of their assignments and  lessons. 6th grade will start to plan their year as a 7th grader where they get to move from class to class. 

Seniors will be receiving their scholarship packets with instructions on how to redeem their scholarships and awards during the graduation ceremony. The list of scholarships and awards will appear in the Ten Sleep Tribute and the Northern Daily News. We will also include a list on our school website.

ACT: ACT dates are June 13 and July 18 ... if students wish to test either of these dates, please email Mrs. Wiechmann as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will look at testing in the fall.

Contact Mrs. Wiechmann anytime: [email protected] [email protected]




February 2020

Guidance Lesson Curriculum

KG: Respecting Uniqueness

Grade 1, 2: Respecting Uniqueness

Grade 3: School Wide Kindness projects, Respect

Grade 4, 5: Self- Discipline-Training our Brain, Perseverance- Find the “silver lining”, Respect

Grade 6: Mental Health Education: Definitions and Stigma


Upcoming Events/Activities:

The Great Kindness Challenge: January 27-31

National Guard Career Presentation:  February 5,  noon  HS grades

Prevention Needs Assessment: February 25   Grades 6, 8, 10, 12

ACT:  March 24

ASVAB: April



October 2019 NEWS

Welcome back to another fantastic year at Ten Sleep Schools. This is a location where counseling news, important dates and information, classroom news, guides and resources for parents, and much more can be found monthly.

The current topics being reviewed in grades kindergarten -6th grade are:

KG:  Manners, Rules, and using our tools (listening skills, following directions, etc…) to be successful students.

Grades 1/2:  Tools for success (listening…), and tattling vs. reporting

Grade 3: Choices- making good choices, consequences, teamwork

Grades 4/5:  Decision making- How our choices affect others and what is our decision based on

Grade 6: creating SMART goals pertaining to character building and how to be successful in school



There was a college planning presentation brought to our school by the TRIO program and some ladies from NWC and UW presented on college information and planning for the future. This event took place on September 9.


The seniors will attend FAFSA night on October 8 from 4-6 with their parents. This is an opportunity for college bound students to apply for financial aid with the assistance of a trained FAFSA professional.

Grades 9-12 have received letters home with information about what to expect for their student in the upcoming year.


Students attended the University of Wyoming Campus Pass event on September 14, which included college information for planning for the future, tours, and a free football game. We went to Laramie and back in one LONG day!


Thoughts about helping your student have success at school:

*As a parent, project a positive attitude about school, teachers, activities, homework and class expectations. If a child feels your frustration, it gives them the excuse to not perform and then they lack respect for the teacher/event/activity.

*Establish home routines. Research highly supports the idea of consistency and predictability which help a child feel safe.

*Don’t over focus on grades. This creates the foundation for an overly competitive student. It also puts the parent in a position of judgement.

*Homework is your child’s responsibility. Promote good habits (and a routine) early. Rescuing a child from their classroom expectations fosters negative energy that in turn gives a student the “permission” to disrespect a teacher’s/activities - expectations/assignments/lessons; also de-valuing their work/event/activity/assignment.

*Establish family rules for TV, computer, or video game use. Research can support that some electronic devices are addictive.

*Put your phone down and tune in to your child. The messages we send to our children carry with them throughout their lives. Time is all a child really wants.

*Avoid overly involving your child in EVERY activity. Find a balance. Exposing your child to different sports/activities is great, just perhaps one at a time.

These ideas and more can be found at positivediscipline.com



Secret Service Club:

This is a community service focused club for grades KG-4. Students “sacrifice” their noon recess for meetings, activities, and discussion biweekly. Activities may occur on the weekends. This has been a huge success for our young students. We are working on some logistics and will have sign up forms out soon for students to bring home.


FOR Club (Friends of Rachel’s)

This club stems from “Rachel’s Challenge”. It is for grades 7-12 that meet biweekly to work on spreading a culture of kindness throughout our school. If you attend our school, the “chain” of kindness can be seen which starts in the entry way of our school.


Need more information? Want to volunteer? Want to help? Contact the school to get involved today!!!!


The Ten Sleep Goblin Gallop will be held on October  17 at 5 pm.  The event starts at the Ten Sleep Rodeo Grounds. This traditional event has partnered with a few clubs in school to provide a platform for a drug/alcohol/tobacco prevention campaign and health/safety/mental health information along with a community kindness movement: run/walk for a cause. There will be free chili served at the closing of the event. Free drinks, door prizes, and participation prizes will be available.




Quick love and logic parenting tips: SUPER HELPFUL! I learned a lot!!!!!



Tips for teachers and parents



Classroom management: handling disrespect



April 2019

Guidance Lessons:

                Character Education Topics

Grade KG, 1st:  Honesty and “making mistakes is OK”

Grade 2/3:  Friendship behaviors

Grade 4/5:  Fairness, honesty, respect

Grade 6:  Mental Health disorders, specifically anxiety,

and scenarios and role-play with responding to a peer


ACT: The Junior class will be taking the ACT on April 2. All juniors need to be in attendance that day. They will have a late lunch; therefore they will need a good breakfast and snacks. There is one 15 minute break during the test.

WYTOPP spring state testing will be for grades KG-10. The testing window is April 15- May 10. Students need to do their very best to be in attendance for this testing. Makeup testing is sometimes difficult for the student. So to minimize the strain on the student, attendance is recommended!

Scholarships are in full force. Scholarships are handed out to students. Scholarships are also emailed to students when applicable. Extra copies are available on the hallway scholarship board. Extra copies are available in the counselor’s office. Due dates are listed on the school website under counselor: scholarships.


Counseling News and other stuff:

February 2019


Classroom Guidance: themes and skills we are working on

KG/grade 1: Making mistakes is OK, how to stay positive and make the most of a mistake

Grades 2/3: Friendship Behaviors

Grades 4/5: The importance of communication and HOW to be a better communicator

Grade 6: Mental Health Education


Parents: Are you frustrated, stressed, or worried about what the future holds for your child?

Well, you are not alone! If you like to read and research, check out this article : How to Teach Your Kids To Care About Other People by Caroline Bologna in the huffpost. Search for it. It is worth the time!

Or check out this article: Why are Kids Impatient, Bored, Friendless, and Entitled?




Interesting Articles to read!